Young Living Owl Diffuser

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. I am not a Young Living Distributor and I receive no compensation from this review. Please always use caution when using essential oils, and always ask the advice of a professional. All content is based on my personal experiences of a Lazy Mommy and purely for informational & entertainment purposes and should not be relied on as professional advice.

Okay. First of all, who doesn’t like a diffuser that looks so darn cute 😛 . Secondly, his name is Feather…How adorable is that? LOL

So it says on Young Living website that this is a Kids Ultrasonic Diffuser but ya, there is no way that Ryan is monopolizing Feather 😛 . Sharing is Loving, they says lol… But yes, Ryan adores it as well and it does go pretty well in his little cute bedroom

It’s supposed to be a Ultrasonic Diffuser. I have no frigging idea what Ultrasonic meant and if I were to be completely honest, I really don’t care too much about that. I’m a pretty low maintenance kind of mom. Only reason why I needed a diffuser was because we live in extreme cold and dryness. So unless i want us to wake up every morning breathing through our mouth cos our nose is all dried and stuffy in the morning, we need a diffuser. But now, I am sort of curious what does Ultrasonic meant so naturally, I went to Google lol

Read through it but all my googly eyes could see was “Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah” LOL & all I could comprehend out of my reading was that an Ultrasonic diffuser runs on water instead of steam. Okay, it still doesn’t mean anything to me but I figure I did google, read & conquer so I’m good haha 😛 … But if you truly have any interest on reading about it, you can read it ➡

I could go on and on about the features about this diffuser but really, it’s a diffuser. Everyone can google what a diffuser does. So I’m gonna spare you reading that on my page.

I am just gonna tell you what I love about Feather 😀

  • It is Cute. C’mon, I am allowed to be superficial once in a while 😎
  • It is Kid Friendly. Believe me. I took a video of Ryan testing it out and it was super easy for a busy toddler
  • It comes with the usual bells and whistles of a typical diffuser – white noise options & a variety of LED light options, Honestly, I have never been one to care for these options anyway. When I sleep, I just want NO NOISE and NO LIGHT lol. But I find myself being surprised that I don’t mind the white noise options they have in Feather. They have 5 white noise options. Ryan likes the lullaby one the most. My favorite is the Ocean Waves white noise. I still dun really like going to sleep with the noise but i find myself enjoying it when i just need a 30 minutes MOMMY time. There is something about their Ocean Waves noise that relaxes me.
  • It’s easy to clean

While I do not consider myself a regular consumer of Young Living products, I am always up to learning about products that might benefit me and family and usually, I send my bazillion questions to my girlfriend who is totally into Young Living and she always is there to answer my questions.

For those of you who is interested to know more about Essential Oils and Young Living, you can visit her page HappiOily on Facebook.

Thanks Elaine!

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Now I hope you enjoy our little video of little Ryan trying out Feather, Young Living Owl Diffuser ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Air Fryer Crab Stick Chips

Welcoming the Year of the Rat

If I have not said this yet, I love love love my Air Fryer 🙂 . With Chinese New Year approaching, I’m trying to find recipes I can replicate easily in Canada & it isn’t always easy. With Christmas, I wake up every day feeling festive like everyone else because Christmas is a much bigger event than Chinese New Year in my town. Chinese New Year really isn’t widely celebrated in my town so it can feel harder to be the only one getting excited about it. Thankfully, my Instant Vortex Plus is helping me get excited Cos there are so many Chinese New Year stuff that I can easily replicate using this one appliance 🙂

Anyhow, this took me 2 packets of crab sticks. Make sure you buy the rectangular ones.

In Singapore, they sell this during Chinese New Year and they are deep fried so it is pretty labour intensive which also meant they sell it pretty expensive but this air fryer version taste as good, uses way less oil and is so easy to make. I made all these in 4 batches in my air fryer and each batch took about 20 mins at 320 fahrenheit. While it was cooking, I just used the time to make my wontons.


It is Yum Yum in my tum tum 😀

Instant Vortex Plus Chinese New Year Baking – Green Pea Cookies

One of my favourite Chinese New Year Cookie

Green Pea Cookie, I feel is one of those very understated cookie. If Chinese New Year Cookies were a group of friends, Green Pea would be the wallflower, Pineapple Cookies would be my popular & vivacious friends and Me, I am definitely the Walnut Cookie, the Nutty & Klutzy one in the group haha 😛

Ryan is definitely a NUTTY Walnut Cookie like his mommy too 😀 lol

Lol anyhow, while Green Pea Cookie is very often overlooked compared to her more flashy friends, she is so so yummy. And it’s the type of cookie that the more you eat, the more you want more.

And it is a very easy recipe. Oh well maybe not my first round Cos the first time I made it, I had to wash the peas, dry them, roast and then grind them 😥 . Definitely not this Lazy Mommy idea of a lazy way to bake lol.

I might be lazy but I’m definitely determined when it comes to finding lazy ways to bake quality food. So this time, I had this bright idea and it actually worked!!!! 😉

Instead of fresh peas, I used these green pea snacks 😎 & they work perfectly! 😀 . Just make sure you are using the plain flavored ones and not the Wasabi Spicy ones lol. Otherwise, be prepared for a very spicy cookie hahaa..


  • 1 Cup Ground Green Peas
  • 1.5 Cup Flour
  • 2/3 Cup Icing Sugar
  • 100 gram Vegetable Oil
  • 1 beaten Egg Yolk to glaze the top of cookies


  • Combine top 4 ingredients in a mixing bowl until well mixed into a dough
  • If too dry, add a bit more oil gradually
  • If too oily, add a bit more flour gradually
  • I find this recipe very forgiving
  • Glaze the top of cookies
  • Bake in Vortex Plus for 12 mins
  • Switch the trays midway
  • When it’s done, let it cool before storing it. This would stay well in freezer as well.
Before going into Vortex Plus

They were soooo yummy 😀


Homemade Chinese Shrimp Balls 虾丸

For my western friends who have no idea what this is – it really is not too different from your meatballs except this is minced shrimps shaped into balls 😀

One thing I want to incorporate at our Chinese New Year Party is the Hot Pot or Steamboat and to me, fish balls is to Hot Pot like Cheese is to Fondue. It just feels odd without fish balls at my Chinese New Year dinner. I can get frozen fish balls here but they really dun taste as good as the fresh ones we get in the supermarkets in Singapore and I really didn’t want to treat my guests to sub par fish balls. I thought okay maybe I could make the fish balls myself .. I mean how hard can that be right? Lol

Oh well, too bad my town or nearby towns doesn’t the kind of fish I need to make yummy fish balls. Sure, I could drive 7 hours to Edmonton but hmmm if I’m already there, I might as well buy the fish balls instead of the fish to make it 😀

Then it occurred to me that why not make shrimp balls 🥰🥰.. they are as yummy and easier to make. So there we go 😀


  • Finely minced Shrimps (I use about 18 medium shrimps and mince it in my food processor)
  • Dash of salt
  • Dash of white pepper
  • Dash of Ground Ginger (optional)
  • Dried chives (as much or as little as you like)
  • 3 tsp corn starch
Super Easy Peasy


  1. Combine all the ingredients and stir them until everything is well mixed
  2. They say to best stir them in one direction till well mixed but oh well, I forgot lol but they still tasted pretty good 😀
  3. Place covered in fridge for a few hours
  4. Boil some water or broth and while boiling, place the shrimp paste in by spoonful. I use a teaspoon but you can use a tablespoon and make the shrimp balls bigger. It really is your own personal preference.
  5. It cooks very fast and once the shrimp balls float to surface, they are done 🙂

I tried a few today and they tasted great! Now the challenge is to not finish them before my CNY Party LOL….These do freeze really well so for those of us who can’t just conveniently get fresh fish balls or prawn balls, this is a great alternative. Make a big batch and freeze them.

Are you all prepared for your Chinese New Year? I know I’m not but I’m definitely using any free time I have now to prep for our Chinese New Year.


Instant Vortex Plus Asian Chicken Wings

Yahoo! Finally it’s the weekend & I get to try out my Christmas Gift from my hubby – the Instant Pot Vortex Plus Air Fryer 😀 & I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. They got me at Deep Fried Juicy Chicken Wings LOL

So while it’s called an Air Fryer, IT BOASTS a total of 7 functions!! Well, I hope the other 6 functions lives up to the Air Fryer function I used tonight :D. Only time and a lot of cooking will tell 😀

With this appliance, you can Air Fry, Roast, Bake, Broil, Reheat, Dehydrate and Rotisserie cook your food…I don’t know how other Vortex Plus users feel but I kinda feel like this is my adult version of the Easy-Bake Oven LOL. Oh well, i must be missing my childhood 😀

Anyhow, I got this at Christmas and when i did the initial testing as per the instruction manual, i was really disappointed at how loud the appliance was. And I was actually having thoughts about returning the product. I am so glad though that I decided to give it a try first because I can tell you this!!

This Bad Ass Vortex Plus is not going anywhere!!! I love it! 🙂

So let me tell you about these Chicken Wings. I love love love Chicken Wings! But I am quite picky about my Chicken Wings. My favorite chicken wings are from a food stall in Singapore Ghim Moh Market. You know that I’m a serious fan when the owners of the food stall knows me hahaha..

Since moving to Canada many years ago, I have found other good chicken wings but never found one that could rival my favorite in Singapore. So, I can’t believe that the first wings I made using my Vortex Plus tonight actually reminds me of my favorite wings in Singapore. So much so that I ate 3 chicken wings after 9:00pm…Oops I dun even want to think about how many calories that is but whatever. Clean eating can come another day lol.

It’s a really easy recipe too 🙂


  • Whole Chicken Wings
  • 2 Tbsp All Purpose Flour
  • 2 Tbsp Corn Starch
  • 1/4 tsp white pepper
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • Pinch of onion powder
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1.5 tbsp Soy Sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp water
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tsp Sesame Oil
  • Less than a tsp of oil (to grease the 2 grill plates slightly)


  1. Marinate the chicken wings in all the ingredients except oil and leave it in fridge for 2 hours for better tasting chicken wings
  2. Note that I had enough marinate for 14 wings but the Vortex Plus could only hold 10 whole chicken wings comfortably
  3. Start the Air Fryer function at 380 F or 193 C and set time to 30 minutes
  4. Once it beeps and signals to “Add Food”, insert your 2 grill trays with the wings in. You can see in video I didn’t use oven mitts at this stage but I highly suggest you wearing one every time you insert a tray in cos it just takes a second of carelessness to get yourself burned
  5. Midway through, it will signal you to switch the trays
  6. Switch the 2 trays and close the oven (MAKE SURE YOU USE OVEN MITTS!!)
  7. 30 minutes of waiting is over and I eagerly get my wings out!!
  8. REMEMBER THE OVEN MITTS! I can’t emphasize that enough.
  9. Enjoy! 😀

Enjoy the video and the wings & let me know how it turns out for you or share with me your favorite chicken wing recipe!

I know my 2 favorite men gave them the Thumbs Up! 😎 😎 😎 That make this Lazy Mommy soooo very happy

Dummy Guide to Chinese New Year in Singapore

Winter vector created by freepik –

While I really love Chinese New Year (CNY) celebrations, I only celebrate CNY if I am back in Singapore during that period of time. But now that we have a kid, there’s this urge in me to start celebrating CNY in Canada with hubby and kid. Maybe it’s a maternal thing. Maybe I hope he doesn’t forget his Singapore roots. Either way, it feels so important to me now to start recreating certain CNY traditions for my own family.

So for the very first time since I moved to Canada, we are gonna host a CNY Party and invite our friends over. Needless to say, both hubby and me want to make sure we incorporate CNY stuff and food at this party. But really, ny hubby has never celebrated CNY so how would he know? He will probably say he knows but really, he wants to bake Toblerone Shortbread Cookies for CNY hmmmmmm….Ya, he doesn’t know CNY but hey, it’s the love & effort that counts 😀 and I do love that he is for us trying to integrate CNY into our family so LOVE YOU DADDY

With limited ingredients here, we can’t recreate everything but we will recreate selectively lol. So I thought what better way to start than to write up a Beginner Guide to CNY in Singapore 😀



What this step essentially means is to usher in the new year with a clean slate in life, giving you the opportunity to prosper in the new year.

  • Major Cleaning before CNY 1st day – symbolizes a fresh start & sweeping away all the bad luck for last year out the door
  • Decorate the house with CNY decorations
  • No cleaning especially on the first day of CNY – symbolizes sweeping away all your new and good vibes/luck out the door so NO CLEANING on 1st day.
  • If you owe anyone money, try to repay them before the first day of CNY. What it symbolizes is that if you went into the new year owing people money, then you will always be owing people money in the new year. Clearing that debt will symbolizes good money luck in the year ahead. To us, this is also a form of cleaning.
  • We also use this time to pay our respects and worship our deities either at home at at the temple. One prays to different deities for different wishes. You pray to God of Wealth for obviously more wealth, to Kitchen God who has witnessed and recorded your family dynamics for the last year ready to go back to Heaven to report your good and misdeeds to Heaven. There are many other gods.


  • During CNY, it is our tradition for the married people to give Red Packet to unmarried guests as well as seniors and the elderly at home. These are filled with money and symbolize good fortune and luck for the new year. So basically, every married couple including us will give Ryan a Red Packet and me & Darren will give my Mom (the senior in the home) a Red Packet.
  • Amounts usually differ depending on how close the relationship is and hierarchy. Fear Not if you are clueless about this. Of course, there is a short dummy guide published yearly on amount rules 😀 . You can have a quick read at here.
  • One should only use new dollars and the amount should always be in even numbers but never the number 4. So no odd amount like $7.00 but also never use the even number 4. Number 4 in Chinese sounds like death so never give $4.00, $44.00, $24.00. While other even numbers are acceptable, we love the number 8. 8 is considered a very auspicious number.
  • Go to bank to obtain new or good as new dollar notes for the Red Packets. While most Singaporeans use online banking, this is the time of the year where the banks will be filled with customers coming in to withdraw new dollar notes. You can even reserve your new notes online 😀 .
  • For recipients of the Red Packet, make sure you wear bright colored clothing. Always bring 2 mandarin oranges when visiting during CNY and as soon as you enter someone home, offer the oranges to the family and say a auspicious greeting. If in doubt, just offer with both hands and say “Happy Chinese New Year”. The family says thanks, receives your oranges and gives you a Red Packet. NEVER open your Red Packet until you get home. It is just rude.


  • New clothes preferably in Red or auspicious colors for at least the first 3 days of CNY (By the way, CNY runs for 15 days but no, we dun get time off for all 15 days lol)
  • In stricter households, most still would avoid white and black colors as those are associated with death. Kinda funny that in the western world, white is considered a wedding beautiful color whereas it is associated as death or funeral in Asian cultures.
  • It’s not so strict in my family so we can wear any colors but i would still suggest leaving your goth makeup at home 😀
  • Some would even buy new bed sheets to usher in the new year as well. Not sure if my mom ever did. Have to remember to ask her.


  • There is a lot of playing with words in Chinese New Year traditions so preparing foods that translate to auspicious meanings is important. In my family, I don’t think we observe it that strictly but some families still do. Example: Long Noodles symbolize long life, Fish symbolize being blessed every year, mandarin oranges symbolize abundance & prosperity, Glutinous Rice Cakes symbolize great improvement in study and work, Pineapple Tarts symbolize ushering a sweet & prospering life, Sweet Rice Balls for family harmony, Spring Rolls symbolize wealth & etc. The list goes on and on.
  • Prepare food for the Reunion Dinner which is on the last night before Chinese New Year. I love love love Reunion Dinner. It’s a Must in my family, I grew up having Hot Pot for our Reunion Dinner and I miss it soooo much. Wish we could be there this Chinese New Year :(. Oh well, such is Life but at least, we would be doing our own mini celebration in Canada



  • As the name depicts, it really is a gathering of the family members for a sit down meal. Traditionally, Reunion dinner always happens on CNY Eve but nowadays, some families choose to do their dinner earlier. Reunion dinner has to be the favorite part of CNY for me personally 😀
  • The format of the meal depends on the family but growing up, we always had Steam Boat or Hot Pot for Reunion Dinner.
  • I just ordered a Hot Pot from . Hope it arrives in time for our 2020 CNY Party


  • Once Reunion Dinner is over, some people would go to Chinatown to usher in the New Year and join the locals in various celebrations, street performances, night markets in counting down. Be warned. It is a sea of people packed together but if you want to feel the CNY atmosphere, this is the best way to.
  • Expect plenty of loud celebrations when you are out and about. If you hate crowds, people and loud noises, do yourself a favor and just stay home
  • For Lazy people like me, we count down at home with our full bellies and reminisce about the family and the last year.



  • While CNY last for 15 days, the statutory holidays only cover first 2 days of CNY so we do a lot of visiting of and with families and friends during these two days. Growing up, it’s not uncommon for my family to be out visiting 3 to 4 families within a day. It’s pretty hectic and so no, you can’t be staying at one place for that long
  • As a single, I would receive Red Packets but sigh now that I am married, I am the giver lol


  • Best way I can describe a Prosperity Toss is the tossing of a very colorful salad with sashimi and every ingredient in this salad has a auspicious meaning
  • It is really quite hard for me to describe how we do the Prosperity Toss but check out this quick YouTube Video and it gives you a good idea of how that looks like
  • If you prefer a short step by step guide, check out this article on on How To Lo Hei Like a Boss 😀
  • Traditionally, people do this on the 7th day of CNY but nowadays, people do it on any day of the 15 days of CNY
  • I really would like to incorporate LO HEI in our CNY Party but not sure how to with limited ingredients.


  • Ermmmmm not that I always have the best language but for us, swearing, scolding and talking negatively or behind other backs during CNY is like the worst thing you can do to yourself. We believe that how we chose to behave during CNY sets the tone and fortune for the year to come. Well, obviously, we should strive to better people anyway not just during CNY but throughout the year but it definitely will get you disapproving looks if you did that during CNY

Bear in mind that CNY celebrations might differ slightly in different countries, the whole idea is that CNY is a time of family togetherness, joy, abundance and prosperity and is the time to get all your family together, pay respects to your deities and gods and usher in the new year with good fortune and luck.

I hope you enjoy this beginner guide and that gives you a better idea of my culture 😀 Now I better get started on my CNY Baking

Slow Cooker Chicken Soup

Haven’t touched my blog for almost a month. We been gone for a long holiday back to Singapore to see family. And while the weather there is summer 365 days of the year, coming back to -12 frosty weather hasn’t felt very easy. To top that off, the hacking cough or cold I got before I flew back probably got worse after being stuck in a long haul flight (over 27 hours) with my toddler :-(.

Anyhow, last Saturday was the first weekend since we got back. I have every intention to leave the house but looking out the window & feeling like I am gonna cough my lungs out, staying home watching cartoons with my toddler sounds sooooo much cosier

See What I Mean..

And what better than to make than a dump everything in Slow Cooker Chicken Soup.

Dump everything in Slow Cooker Chicken Soup

Our garden carrots, celery, onion, chicken broth, chicken breasts & not forgetting ginger cos Asians put ginger in everything lol. Jokes aside, ginger is loaded with nutrients & always makes me feel better when I have a cold. Dump everything in Slow Cooker on low for 6 hours and Off we are back to the couch with our blanket!

So there we go….Cartoons, Snuggles, Blanket, Couch, Hot Chicken Soup & Video Chat with Grandma was all we could handle 😀

Infinity Travel Pillow

Yahoo! My new travel pillow has just arrived and I’m beyond excited even if I have to look strange like this for the possibility of getting a good sleep the next time we fly. I’ll gladly look strange every time 😀 Small price to pay lol

Bought this from Amazon & it cost $55. So no, it is not the cheapest travel pillow but my Samsonite neck pillow easily cost me $30 but it only gives me support for my neck but this is a all in one travel pillow and boy oh boy does the material feels amazing on your skin. I absolutely have no regrets with this purchase. Flying alone with a toddler on long haul flights with multiple layovers that can add up to a total of 38 hours (that is if none of your flights get delayed) is not easy. I dun care what any easy breezy mom tells me. It ain’t easy but YES it is Totally Manageable & Yes to all the mommies out there. You can totally do this 😀 . Ryan has flew with me internationally since 6 months old. He has flown on way more flights than I ever had at his age and he is not even 3 yet.

When he was still a baby, carry on luggage space was prime real estate as a lot of space went mostly to putting items that he needed or might need & mom just packs the necessities for herself. But now that he is older, doesn’t need formula and can eat mostly anything I eat, this mom just wanna get something that is just for herself.

ME, ME & ME!!! 😀

So why did I choose a travel pillow as my one item to indulge on for our next long haul flight? Well for starters, since having Ryan, I stopped bringing my Samsonite Travel Pillow cos I needed all the carry on luggage space I could get to lug his diapers, formulas, baby food, toys and god knows a million other Baby stuff.

When I saw this pillow, I knew it was the perfect item I wanted to treat myself and if it is gonna take up prime real estate or take away 5 Toddler items from my carry on luggage, so be it.

And while I love love love this pillow, it does have its pros and cons.


  • Lol I honestly dun know & dun care what the material is but it feels soooo luxurious and soft on your skin and feels so so amazing. If I had to guess, I would say it feels like good quality bamboo but hey, feel free to google
  • Better neck support than any traditional travel pillows I have tried
  • Lol not the most appealing look one can go for but hey, I have seen wayyyyyy uglier ones. I can live with this look lol
  • There are multiple ways (8 to be exact on their instruction sheet) to use this pillow. Neck pillow, back support, window pillow, desk pillow, eye mask, noise canceling pillow. You’ve got them all.


  • It takes up way more luggage space than I prefer
  • I’m gonna look kinda strange lol
  • Although it advertise so many different ways to use it, I feel like I will mostly just use 1 or 2 ways to use it

Having said all that, I’m truly happy with this purchase.

Meanwhile, I hope everyone has a good weekend!

Making Play Dough with a Toddler

Honestly, the beginning of this weekend has been rough for me & maybe even for Ryan. He’s turning 3 soon & I didn’t realize till recently that if he is not potty trained by 3, his daycare can’t have him anymore. Not his daycare fault. His daycare is awesome! More of me not reading the handbook properly.

In any case, this marks the beginning of our weekend when I started him fully on potty training & mind you, I actually have displayed more patience than I thought I would. And I know that 1.5 days is hardly what anyone would call enough potty training & we will get there but what frustrates me is that as soon as I start, he holds his poop in and now he is constipated and unhappy.

I try my very best to not let him feel his mommy’s anxiety of worrying about him not having a daycare or a babysitter to go to if we can’t get him potty trained soon. I know this will pass just like all the other babies stuff but right at this moment, please dun tell me not to worry … I’m not worried that he will never be potty trained … I’m worried that we can’t get him trained within this short timeline.

In any case, this potty training thing & the fact that it was snowing today, I decided that he & I should play with Play Dough & what best way to play with it than to let him make it himself (for the most part) 😀 He had a great time making and playing with it 😀 I had so much fun playing it too with him that it was a great distraction from my worries 😀

There are many play dough recipes online. Some call for cooking & some call for using cream of tartar which I’m not entirely sure is that common an item in every regular household. The recipe I found uses neither.

  • No cooking required
  • No cream of tartar required
  • No matter how many colours you are planning to make, you can do all the different colours in one mixing bowl. We did 3 colours all in same bowl! Yup! You heard right. 2 less bowls for me to wash is a winner! 😀
  • So easy even my toddler can help with it. Only part he is not able to help as much is at the very very end when you just need to knead the dough together but otherwise, he could help with every step
  • It smells amazing
  • It is non toxic unlike the ones you buy in the store
  • And it is so much Fun for the kids 😀

So the ingredients you need are so so simple:

  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1/4 cup of salt
  • 1 packet of Kool-aid
  • 1/2 cup of hot water
  • 1 tbsp of cooking oil

Instructions are so so simple too:

  • Place all dry ingredients in a big mixing bowl. If your toddler is just starting out, get as big a bowl as u can find. Just makes for easier cleaning
  • Add oil and hot water
  • Use a spoon to mix it first
  • Once water cools down enough for your hands, knead it altogether into a dough. Took me less than 10 seconds cos that’s all you have with a busy toddler lol
  • If the dough still feels too sticky, add a bit more flour but otherwise, you should have a nice smelling play dough now
  • I bought 3 packets of Kool-aid with different flavours and I basically just got Ryan to start the same process again in the same mixing bowl
  • I took a portion from all 3 doughs for him to play and cling wrap the remaining and place it in fridge for the next time

We had a great time & we hope you enjoy our little video 😀

Easy Peasy Cinnamon Buns

Using the dough for my Easy Peasy Dinner Rolls, I saved a portion and used it to make my Easy Peasy Cinnamon Buns 😀



  • Roll prepared dough out on a clean floured surface
  • Spread melted butter all over the rolled out dough
  • Sprinkle generously the brown sugar all over
  • Tightly roll dough up. I cut away the two corner sides
  • Slice them into 6 rolls
  • Place cinnamon rolls in a greased baking pan. (I use a square pan)
  • Cover with towel and let rise again for 60 mins
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Remove towel and bake cinnamon rolls for 20-25 minutes or until just slightly golden brown on the edges. Mine took 20 minutes. You want to underbake them a little so they stay soft in the middle, that’s why we want them just slightly golden brown
  • I have never like frosting on my Cinnamon Buns so this is good enough for me and my family
  • Enjoy 😀


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