Easy Peasy One Pan Shrimp Pasta


Because I love seafood and because I have so many freezers lol (2 big deep chest freezers and 2 fridge freezers!!), I always always have plenty of frozen shrimps. So when I am lacking in inspiration and simply do not feel like cooking or washing a lot of dishes, one pan dishes like this one is really appealing.

It’s a super easy recipe and you can use black pepper instead of white pepper. But I love love love white pepper so I use it in everything. Minced garlic is a must and be generous with it. It’s really what makes this pasta so yummy.


  • Linguine (enough for 6 servings)
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 1 stick butter cut in half
  • Lots of Minced Garlic
  • 3 Tbsp Cajun Spice
  • Large shrimps
  • Fresh Mushrooms
  • Salt and White pepper
  • Spinach


  • Boil water in the big pan and add pasta. Once cooked, drain pasta and place aside for now
  • Using same pan, heat oil and half of your butter. Add garlic and cook until garlic is slightly brown but not burnt
  • Add in shrimp, mushroom, cajun spice, salt and white pepper to taste, and stirfry until shrimp and mushroom are cooked
  • Add spinach
  • Return cooked pasta to the pan and add remaining butter.
  • Mix it altogether .
  • Enjoy! 😛

Lazy Mommy Kaya (Singapore Coconut Egg Jam)

I still remember the first time i packed a kaya sandwich in Ryan’s packed lunch to daycare. When I went to pick him up, the awesome daycare ladies asked me what was the green stuff in his sandwich 😛 . They probably wondered why any mom would slather green food coloring to their kid’s sandwich LOL.

So, Kaya is a Southeast Asia jam that basically consist of eggs, coconut cream, sugar and Pandan Essence. Pandan Essence is made from Pandan leaves which is in abundance in Singapore. Not so much in where we live in Canada. So next best thing – I brought back Pandan Paste and Pandan extract 😀 . I mean…what’s a girl gonna do to get her favorite jam fix? 😉

Pandan Paste Vs. Pandan Extract
Pandan Leaves

For those of you who do not know what Pandan Leaves are like, they are a tropical plant that grows abundantly in Southeast Asia. You can read more about the plant at thespruceeats.com if you like but it is known as a “fragrant plant” because of its unique, sweet aroma and growing up, my mom uses it fairly often for baking. It’s got such a sweet and fragrant aroma i love just sniffing the bottle LOL. And Kaya Sandwich is to me like how PB&J sandwich is to my Caucasian friends 😀 . Well, until now where every kid’s packed lunch has to be nut free anyway.

Traditional Kaya Jam takes at least a couple hours to make. It is really a very easy recipe with less than 5 ingredients. Challenge is it requires a lot of patience slaving over the stove using a double boiler to cook it slowly, making sure you stir it constantly over low heat. The patience is what makes good kaya jam smooth instead of lumpy. Well, I like to think I have many virtues but patience is not always one of them ^^’

So I decided to use the same ingredients as I would in a traditional recipe. Except that instead of a double boiler, I just cook it in a pot directly over stove on low to medium heat. Took way lesser time to get it to a jam kinda texture. Sure, it wasn’t as smooth but it didn’t affect the taste one bit. In fact, it taste every bit the same ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ as I remember growing up eating that for breakfast made by my adorable mom.. I wonder if Ryan thinks I’m adorable too lol.. probably not 😀 . What matters is he loves his kaya toast as much as I do & that’s a win for a lazy mommy trying to integrate him to his Singapore roots.

Best way to eat it – spread margarine and kaya on your toast 😀


  • 5 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup coconut cream (full fat version please)
  • 1/2 tablespoon Pandan Essence


  1. Add sugar, coconut cream & essence to the lightly beaten eggs in a pot
  2. Cook the mixture directly on stove over low to medium heat
  3. Keep stirring constantly until it becomes the jam texture you are looking for
  4. When it is cooled, you can store in fridge just like you keep your store bought strawberry jam

Easy Peasy Egg Tarts

Honestly, never even really occurred to me where egg tarts actually come from… as in from which culture. Growing up, I always remember eating them when my parents would bring us to go eat dim sum on weekend mornings. Those were very fond memories indeed. These days, you can pretty much eat dim sum any day.

But this I do know – while it is a Asian dish, it has influences from the Portuguese. Might be the reason why some Asian places call them Portuguese Egg Tarts.

So usually, I will try to make my own crust and I have a really wicked awesome flaky pie crust which I feel will work great for the egg tarts but this weekend, Ryan and I weren’t feeling really well so I just really didn’t feel like making it from scratch so store bought ones will have to do for this weekend 😀

And really, Tenderflake Tart Shells works perfect with Egg Tarts.

There are many many egg tart recipes but remembering that this is a Easy Peasy one, so I did skip some steps such as straining the egg mixture. Straining the egg mixture/filling helps remove any lumps and ensures your custard filling comes out looking smooth & pretty.

Also, it usually ask you to chill the filling in fridge first. Again, skipped by this mommy. One thing to note too that my original recipe usually uses evaporated milk but sometimes when I dun have that, I use my coffee cream instead. I just use 2 tbsp of coffee cream instead of 1/4 cup evaporated milk.

Since I am baking for my family and not to sell, I really could care less about straining it. Maybe when I have more time or when I decide to see if anyone will buy it from me at the Farmers Market lol

Here goes the super easy ingredients:

  • 1 box of Tenderflake Tart Shells (12 tarts)
  • 4 beaten eggs with a pinch of vanilla extract & salt
  • ¾ cup hot water
  • 6 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/4 cup evaporated milk

My Easy Peasy Lazy Mommy Recipe:

  • To make the custard filling, stir in sugar in hot water and let it cool slightly
  • Once water is cooled, add in your beaten eggs, vanilla, salt and evaporated milk. If you don’t have evaporated milk, I would just add 2 Tbsp of coffee cream or half & half
  • Mix it all up thoroughly
  • Strain it if you want your custard to look smooth and pretty and without lumps but I didn’t.
  • Pour it into the 12 tart shells till about 80% full
  • Bake at 400 f for 20-25 mins. Mine came out at 25 mins Cos I filled the tart shells to the brim lol. But if you fill it to 80% full, 20 mins works suffice

And that is it. Super easy. Super lazy recipe. And now my son gets to have a taste of what my parents would bring me to eat on a Sunday morning 😀 and he ate 2 for breakfast this morning so I’m gonna call that a Mommy Win!

😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎

Instant Pot Vortex Plus Rotisserie Chicken

Ta Da!!! My Delicious Rotisserie Roast Chicken

I have always disliked making a whole Chicken. Despite my best friend telling me it’s the easiest thing she does in her home, I still don’t like making it. But the few times that I have made a whole Chicken, I have done it using our oven and I always either undercook or overcook the chicken to death 😀

But it was so easy to use my Vortex Plus to do this that I am pretty certain that this is going to start being a Regular in our household. And for whatever reason, Vortex Plus just makes me feel like a little girl who just got an Easy Bake Oven toy as a present LOL.

I must have somewhat feel intimidated about using it cos hubby got this for me as a Christmas gift and while I have used it to make Chicken Wings (which are fabulous by the way) and cookies, I haven’t touched the Rotisserie function at all.

Well, let me assure you that my initial fear is definitely unwarranted. The rotisserie function is so easy peasy to use. If a Lazy Mommy like me can use it and succeed on her first try, so can you 😀

This Bad Ass Vortex Plus is definitely not going anywhere!!! I love it! 🙂

When I have the time, I would make my own seasoning for the chicken but a mom’s gonna do what she’s gonna do and sometimes, there just isn’t enough time in a day to get everything done – well, not for me anyway cos you know, Netflix is important too for my sanity LOL…so ermmmm definitely no shame in using shortcuts lol

So a few lazy mommy tips for this recipe. To save time, I use onion soup mix as my dry rub for the chicken. Also, I know every recipe always calls for adding the food after the oven has been pre-heated but honestly, I don’t find it such a significant difference for some dishes so I just skip that part and just add the food. For the Vortex Plus, the 40 mins only starts after it’s been pre-heated anyway. Another thing – if you are concerned about if the chicken is fully cooked, temp of fully cooked chicken breast is 165 and cooked thigh meat should be 185. But 40 mins definitely did it for my 3 pound chicken. It was cooked fully but also super moist.


  • Whole Chicken (must be Under 4 Pounds. I used a 3 pound bird)
  • 1 Packet of Onion Soup Mix
  • 3 Tbsp Melted Butter
  • Dash of white pepper
  • Dash of black pepper


  1. In a small bowl, combine the onion soup mix with the melted butter
  2. Pat the chicken dry & make sure the cavity of chicken is clean. Remove any gizzards & tie the chicken with kitchen string. I was lazy and just bought a chicken that was already tied up.
  3. Rub the onion soup mix seasoning all around the whole chicken, including the cavity
  4. Everyone does it differently. For me, I find it easier to insert the left rotisserie fork to the rotisserie rod first. Then I insert the rod through the chicken cavity. Lastly, I insert the right fork to the rod and Ta Da! It is now ready to go into the Vortex Plus (dun be intimidated by my written instructions. Just watch the video. I promise you the video shows how i do it and it’s actually quite easy)
  5. Some users wait till the Vortex Plus is pre-heated before adding the chicken. I honestly just add the chicken right in, close the door before I start pre-heating the Vortex Plus. I find no significant difference in it but you do what you prefer 😀
  6. 40 minutes at 375 F and I eagerly remove my chicken. Yum!
  7. To ensure you get a super moist chicken, rest the chicken for 10 minutes. This is important.
  8. Enjoy! 😀

Enjoy the video & let me know how it turns out for you or share with me your favorite Roast Chicken recipe!

All I know is that my son, my hubby & grandpa all gave this Roast Chicken the Thumbs Up! 😎 😎 😎 That make this Lazy Mommy soooo very happy

Instant Vortex Plus Chinese New Year Baking – Green Pea Cookies

One of my favourite Chinese New Year Cookie

Green Pea Cookie, I feel is one of those very understated cookie. If Chinese New Year Cookies were a group of friends, Green Pea would be the wallflower, Pineapple Cookies would be my popular & vivacious friends and Me, I am definitely the Walnut Cookie, the Nutty & Klutzy one in the group haha 😛

Ryan is definitely a NUTTY Walnut Cookie like his mommy too 😀 lol

Lol anyhow, while Green Pea Cookie is very often overlooked compared to her more flashy friends, she is so so yummy. And it’s the type of cookie that the more you eat, the more you want more.

And it is a very easy recipe. Oh well maybe not my first round Cos the first time I made it, I had to wash the peas, dry them, roast and then grind them 😥 . Definitely not this Lazy Mommy idea of a lazy way to bake lol.

I might be lazy but I’m definitely determined when it comes to finding lazy ways to bake quality food. So this time, I had this bright idea and it actually worked!!!! 😉

Instead of fresh peas, I used these green pea snacks 😎 & they work perfectly! 😀 . Just make sure you are using the plain flavored ones and not the Wasabi Spicy ones lol. Otherwise, be prepared for a very spicy cookie hahaa..


  • 1 Cup Ground Green Peas
  • 1.5 Cup Flour
  • 2/3 Cup Icing Sugar
  • 100 gram Vegetable Oil
  • 1 beaten Egg Yolk to glaze the top of cookies


  • Combine top 4 ingredients in a mixing bowl until well mixed into a dough
  • If too dry, add a bit more oil gradually
  • If too oily, add a bit more flour gradually
  • I find this recipe very forgiving
  • Glaze the top of cookies
  • Bake in Vortex Plus for 12 mins
  • Switch the trays midway
  • When it’s done, let it cool before storing it. This would stay well in freezer as well.
Before going into Vortex Plus

They were soooo yummy 😀


Slow Cooker Chicken Soup

Haven’t touched my blog for almost a month. We been gone for a long holiday back to Singapore to see family. And while the weather there is summer 365 days of the year, coming back to -12 frosty weather hasn’t felt very easy. To top that off, the hacking cough or cold I got before I flew back probably got worse after being stuck in a long haul flight (over 27 hours) with my toddler :-(.

Anyhow, last Saturday was the first weekend since we got back. I have every intention to leave the house but looking out the window & feeling like I am gonna cough my lungs out, staying home watching cartoons with my toddler sounds sooooo much cosier

See What I Mean..

And what better than to make than a dump everything in Slow Cooker Chicken Soup.

Dump everything in Slow Cooker Chicken Soup

Our garden carrots, celery, onion, chicken broth, chicken breasts & not forgetting ginger cos Asians put ginger in everything lol. Jokes aside, ginger is loaded with nutrients & always makes me feel better when I have a cold. Dump everything in Slow Cooker on low for 6 hours and Off we are back to the couch with our blanket!

So there we go….Cartoons, Snuggles, Blanket, Couch, Hot Chicken Soup & Video Chat with Grandma was all we could handle 😀



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